We provide reliable shipping methods and other various delivery options depending on each country. Our shipping and delivery cost is included within the quotation or proforma invoice you receive from us.
Our main delivery carrier is DHL . Founded in 1969 DHL delivers to more than 220 countries today and it employs more than 320.000 people. We may sometimes use alternative carriers for logistical or operational reasons ( FedEX, UPS).
All stock items normally ship from one of our warehouses within 24 hours of payment confirmation. Delivery times are detailed on all our quotations and various options, including Next Day Delivery to many locations, are available. We can also offer time-definite and Saturday deliveries for customers within the EU.As soon as your item(s) have been shipped, we’ll send you a Shipment Notification message that includes the carrier’s name and a tracking number (AWB) with a link to their website.
WorldWide Express Delivery
Because we understand how costly and disruptive a breakdown can be, we offer worldwide express delivery on all our products. Our network of preferred partner warehouses in addition to our own distribution centres enables us to offer a truly unique service within the industry across the entire globe.
Arrange Your Own Shipping
You can arrange your own shipping, there may be a charge for packing and handling. Please contact our sales team, if you wish to use your own shipping company and forward your account details and the service level you require and we will do the rest.
Under no circumstances do we accept responsibility/liability for goods lost or damaged etc. whilst in transit if you choose your own carrier. It is the responsibility of you and your shipping company to resolve any issues directly with each other.
Local Customs Charges
This is your responsibility to pay any charges relating to the import of goods into your country. Under no circumstances do we accept responsibility for local taxes and customs duties that may be payable upon delivery. It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with these regulations.
Order not received
There are several reasons why an item you ordered may not have been received:
Missing or delayed order
Delivery usually takes 1 – 6 working days from receipt of payment depending on the delivery option chosen. We will notify you if there is any delay or longer delivery time. If you believe your item has been lost or delayed, please contact us.
You also need to take into account during COVID-19 pandemics delivery times might be longer than usual due to either low stocks at manufacturers or delays caused by UPS / DHL / GLS / DPD delivery policies. This is out of our control but we will always do our best to have your order delivered on time.
Item temporarily out of stock
If an item goes out of stock and we expect to receive new stock within a reasonable time we will hold your order and dispatch the item to you as soon as stock is available.
Item unavailable
If an item becomes unavailable or is discontinued by the manufacturer, which means we are unexpectedly unable to fulfil your order we will contact you to let you know. If we are unable to fulfil your order or offer a suitable alternative then we will issue an immediate refund if your payment has already been processed.
Payment declined or not received
If we cannot process payment for any reason, we will contact you to let you know and ask you to access your account and update your card or bank details as necessary.
For card payments allow 1 business day for confirmation. For bank transfers allow up to 4 business days for confirmation – all bank payments need to be confirmed by email by the customer before order is shipped.